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Free referencing

Do you manage a business in Saint Martin?

Refer it for free at Coconut Kronicles. You'll benefit from a captive and engaged audience.

Please fill in the form below. 
Our team will contact you as soon as possible.​

Describe in a few words your establishment, its concept, the public, the specialty... All the information you need to write your presentation sheet in French, English and Spanish.
For example, for opening hours of 8am to 12pm in the morning and 2pm to 6pm in the afternoon, tick the boxes: 08am, 12pm, 2pm, 6pm.
Specify any exceptions in your opening hours. Example: closed on Wednesday afternoons.
Format png, jpg, ai, pdf 
Format(s): jpg, png - Poids max total envoi 10 Mo
Indicate any special indications to be added to your photo (ex: Area to be prioritized) 
Format: avi, mp4 - Max. total file size: 10 MB - For larger files, go to the pay offer - Files up to 50 MB - Pay offer
Send us any information you consider essential to the presentation of your establishment
Séparez les adresses email par une virgule.